Snake Eyes - G.I. Joe Origins

When Paramount Studios was marketing the return of (I’d argue) the best G.I. Joe character to the big screen, I was tasked with making one of the epic moments from the film come to life inside a Snapchat Lens. I chose the exciting bike chase on a highway at night. The effect puts you in the suit of Snake Eyes as the bike speeds down the road. I created the suit and the bike as 3D models and textured to match the on-screen version exactly. Technically and artistically, I’d say it turned out as one of the best Snapchat Lenses I’ve made.

Phil Walton

Phil Walton is an Official Snapchat Lens Creator who’s magical Augmented Reality creations have been viewed over 6 Billion times around the world. His work has been shown on the Super Bowl, Nickelodeon, Saturday Night Live and Jimmy Kimmel Live. He is the creator behind the viral Potato Snapchat lens.

Wheel of Time - Myrddraal


Taco Bell Potato